

*** dx86-20 Conventions ***
1927: jv 266
1928: jv 266
1931: kr 73; jv 79, 82, 137, 266-267
1935: jv 266-267
1938: jv 80, 267
1942: jv 92
1983: jv 278
1988: jv 278
sign-language conventions: w09 8/15 27; km 1/94 6
signs: jv 567-568
simplification program: km 1/87 5-6
food service: km 2/95 3-4
special conventions: km 11/90 7-8
spiritual milestones: jv 260-265
volunteer service: jv 275
List by Year
(Where no references appear, see main heading by convention name or city)
1886, Bible Students’ general meeting: 聖書研究者の全体大会
Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: kr 28
1891, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: jv 254
1892, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: jv 254-255
1893, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.: w12 5/15 32; km 5/01 3; jt 11; jv 255; br78 11
1900, Bible Students’ Conventions: jv 255聖書研究者の大会
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.: jv 93
1901, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Stockholm, Sweden: yb91 122
1903, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Stockholm, Sweden: yb91 124-125
1904, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.: w01 11/1 19-20
1907, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A.: w01 11/1 20
1908, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.: w12 2/15 32
“On to Victory” convention (Put-in-Bay, Ohio, U.S.A.): w01 11/1 20
1909, Bible Students’ Conventions: jv 256
1910, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Örebro, Sweden: yb90 142-143
Zurich, Switzerland: yb87 120-121
1911, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, U.S.A.: w01 11/1 20
1913, Bible Students’ Conventions: yb13 174-175, 177; jv 256-257
convention train (U.S.A. and Canada): yb13 174-177
1914, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Clinton, Iowa, U.S.A.: yb14 171-172
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.: w01 11/1 20
Johannesburg, South Africa: yb14 171; yb07 76; w06 9/1 8
Puerto Limón, Costa Rica: yb88 201
1916, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A.: w09 1/15 17
1917, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.: yb17 172-173
Winnipeg, Canada: jv 256
1918, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Atwater, Ohio, U.S.A.: w00 3/1 21
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.: w18.10 5
number: w18.10 5
1919, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A.:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.: jv 72-74
1922, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A.:
Winnipeg, Canada: jv 265
1923, Bible Students’ Conventions:
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.:
1924, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.:
Vienna, Austria: yb89 80-81
1925, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.:
Nørrevold, Denmark: jv 265
Örebro, Sweden: w97 10/1 22; yb91 135; yb90 160
1926, Bible Students’ Conventions:
London, England:
Velyki Luchky, Ukraine: yb02 128
1927, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Helsinki, Finland: yb90 160
Toronto, Canada:
Uzhgorod, Ukraine: yb02 128-129
1928, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.:
Lvov, Ukraine: yb02 129
1931, Bible Students’ Conventions: 聖書研究者の大会
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.:
Paris, France: w15 11/15 31
1932, General Conventions: 全体大会
Mexico City, Mexico: w17.08 30
Prague, Czechoslovakia: g02 12/22 20
Seoul, Korea: yb88 143
Solotvyno, Ukraine: yb02 129
1933, General Conventions: 全体大会
Berlin, Germany: g98 7/8 12-13; g95 8/22 7
1935, General Conventions: 全体大会
Stockholm, Sweden: yb91 149
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.:
1936, General Conventions: jv 266全体大会
Glasgow, Scotland: w00 5/1 25
Lucerne, Switzerland: w89 2/1 24-25; yb87 147-149
1937, General Conventions: 全体大会
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.:
Prague, Czechoslovakia: yb02 129-130; g02 12/22 20-21; yb89 97-98
1938, General Conventions: 全体大会
Glasgow, Scotland: w88 4/1 16
London, England:
Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.: w09 1/15 18
1939, General Conventions: 全体大会
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.: jv 265
New York, New York, U.S.A.: w95 12/1 21-22; jv 657-659
1941, Theocratic Assemblies: 神権大会
Leicester, England: w12 4/15 18-19; w00 5/1 26-27; w97 12/1 27-28; w88 3/1 15
St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.:
South Africa: yb07 110
Sydney, Australia: w06 10/1 12
1942, New World Theocratic Assemblies: 新しい世
1943, “Call to Action” Assemblies:
“Free Nation’s” Theocratic Assemblies: w17.08 30 自由な国民
1944, United Announcers’ Theocratic Assemblies: 一致した告知者
1945, Theocratic Assemblies:
Amsterdam, Netherlands: jv 267-268
Lingayen, Philippines: yb03 196; jv 488-489
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico: yb87 76
1946, Glad Nations Theocratic Assemblies: 喜びを抱く国々の民
1947, “All Nations Expansion” Assemblies: すべての国の民の拡大
“Praise-Giving Nations” Theocratic Assembly:
1948, District Assemblies:
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: yb87 234-235
South Africa: w06 9/1 9
1949, District Assemblies:
1950, Theocracy’s Increase Assemblies: 拡大する神権政治
1951, “Clean Worship” Assemblies: 清い崇拝
1952, “Press On to Maturity” District Assemblies: 円熟に向かって進め!
1953, New World Society Assemblies: 新しい世の社会
1954, District Assemblies:
Seoul, Korea: yb88 172-173
1955, “Triumphant Kingdom” Assemblies: 勝利の王国
1956, District Assemblies:
Seoul, Korea: yb88 174-175
1957, “Life-Giving Wisdom” District Assemblies: 生命を与える叡知
1958, Divine Will International Assembly:
Divine Will District Assemblies: 神の御心
1959, “Awake Ministers” District Assemblies: 目ざめている奉仕者
1960, Peace-Pursuing District Assemblies: 平和を追い求める
1961, United Worshipers Assemblies: 一致した崇拝者
1962, Courageous Ministers District Assemblies: 勇気ある奉仕者
1963, “Everlasting Good News” Assemblies: 永遠の福音
1964, “Fruitage of the Spirit” Assemblies: 御霊の実
1965, “Word of Truth” Assemblies: 真理のみ言葉
1966, “God’s Sons of Liberty” District Assemblies: 神の自由の子たち
1967, “Disciple-Making” District Assemblies: 人々を弟子とする
1968, “Good News for All Nations” District Assemblies: すべての国の民に対する福音
1969, “Peace on Earth” International Assemblies: 地に平和
1970, “Men of Goodwill” District Assemblies: 善意の人々
1971, “Divine Name” District Assemblies: 神のお名前
1972, “Divine Rulership” District Assemblies: 神の支配権
1973, “Divine Victory” International Assemblies: 神の勝利
1974, “Divine Purpose” District Assemblies: 神の目的
1975, “Divine Sovereignty” District Assemblies: 神の主権
1976, “Sacred Service” District Assemblies: 神聖な奉仕
1977, “Joyful Workers” District Assemblies: 喜びに満ちた働き人
1978, “Victorious Faith” International Conventions: 勝利の信仰
1979, “Living Hope” District Conventions: 生ける希望
1980, “Divine Love” District Conventions: 神の愛
1981, “Kingdom Loyalty” District Conventions: 王国の忠節
1982, “Kingdom Truth” District Conventions: 王国の真理
1983, “Kingdom Unity” District Conventions: 王国の一致
1984, “Kingdom Increase” District Conventions: 王国の増加
1985, “Integrity Keepers” District Conventions: 忠誠を保つ人々
1986, “Divine Peace” District Conventions: 神の平和
1987, “Trust in Jehovah” District Conventions: エホバへの信頼
1988, “Divine Justice” District Conventions: 神の公正
1989, “Godly Devotion” District Conventions: 敬虔な専心
1990, “Pure Language” District Conventions: 清い言語
1991, “Lovers of Freedom” District Conventions: 自由を愛する人々!
1992, “Light Bearers” District Conventions: 光を掲げる人々
1993, “Divine Teaching” District Conventions: 神の教え
1994, “Godly Fear” District Conventions: 敬虔な恐れ!
1995, “Joyful Praisers” District Conventions: 喜びに満ちた賛美者
1996, “Messengers of Godly Peace” District Conventions:
1997, “Faith in God’s Word” District Conventions: 神の言葉に対する信仰!
1998, “God’s Way of Life” District Conventions: 神の命の道
1999, “God’s Prophetic Word” District Conventions: 神の預言の言葉
2000, “Doers of God’s Word” District Conventions: 神の言葉を行なう者
2001, “Teachers of God’s Word” District Conventions: 神の言葉を教える者
2002, “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Conventions: 王国を熱心にふれ告げる人々
2003, “Give God Glory” District Conventions: 神に栄光
2004, “Walk With God” District Conventions: 神と共に歩む
2005, “Godly Obedience” District Conventions: 敬虔な従順
2006, “Deliverance at Hand!” District Conventions: 救出は近い!
2007, “Follow the Christ!” District Conventions: キリストのあとに従いなさい!
2008, “Guided by God’s Spirit” District Conventions: 神の霊による導き!
2009, “Keep on the Watch!” District Conventions: ずっと見張っていなさい!
2010, “Remain Close to Jehovah!” District Conventions: エホバのもとにとどまりなさい!
2011, “Let God’s Kingdom Come!” District Conventions: 神の王国が来ますように!
2012, “Safeguard Your Heart!” District Conventions: 心を守りなさい!
2013, “God’s Word Is Truth!” District Conventions: 神の言葉は真理!
2014, “Keep Seeking First God’s Kingdom!” Conventions: 神の王国をいつも第一に求めなさい!
2015, “Imitate Jesus!” Conventions: イエスに倣いましょう!
2016, “Remain Loyal to Jehovah!” Conventions: エホバへの忠節を保ちましょう!
2017, “Don’t Give Up!” Conventions: あきらめてはいけない!ガラテア 6:9
2018, “‘Be Courageous’!” Conventions: 勇気を出しなさい!ヨシュア 1:7
2019, “‘Love Never Fails’!” Conventions: 愛は決して絶えない!コリント第一 8:13
2020年 “Always Rejoice ! ” いつも喜びましょう!フィリピ 4:4

2021年 “Powerful by Faith!” 信仰によって強くなる

2022年 “Pursee Pease!” 平和をつくる


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